Tuesday, June 07, 2016

As I Watch the Clock Tick

Lame title, right? It's because that's exactly what I've been doing for almost three weeks. Sitting in Jon's apartment, waiting to hear back for jobs. Well I finally received my call for orientation today. I'll be beginning work at Ross tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's looking like that's not going to be enough income for me and my bills, so I'm also looking and applying for a second part-time job to cover my nights.

I'm very excited to start work, and finally get some retail experience under my belt. Plus I really miss doing something with my days. While it's nice to sleep the day away and watch Netflix all night, I really need something to keep me occupied. Plus if I'm making money, Jon and I can get started on transitioning our diets and menus into healthier food.

He already works noon to 9, so that's another reason I want a second job. So I have something to do while he's working. Being on the go constantly will hopefully be able to help with planning healthy food options, and preparing healthy dinners beforehand. I kinda want to be that healthy mom, even though I don't have a kid (except for the dog and cat). But Jon doesn't take care of himself food wise, so I need to.

I really want to be that person that plans out meals and writes them on the chalkboard for the week. And I feel like I could do that, but I need the money and the time, and the freaking patience. I want to be one of those women who actually does the projects she pins on Pinterest, and actually makes the recipes. I've done two recipes and a few projects, but I want my whole place to be an accumulation of my whole Pinterest career. If you want to check out my Pinterest and follow me there, here's the link: https://www.pinterest.com/kaylie153/.

Have a fresh night,

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