Thursday, May 07, 2015


So Monday I went to the lake. A friend of mine was having a really tough time emotionally, so after classes, she invited me and a couple other friends out to the lake around Nac. I didn't wear a bathing suit so I didn't do any swimming, but she brought this little boat we aired up. For the first hour I sat on the bank, two girls in the boat, and our other friend who was keeping them from floating away. I didn't mind being alone. No phone to distract me, but I got to see everything. Sometimes I forget how much I love just watching, just seeing.

One of my biggest passions is photography. I think that passion has offered me insight into seeing beyond the skin of things. To really appreciate something, you have to look beyond its outward appearance. Life is about more than skin, it's about what's underneath, what's inside a person, or a thing. Of course I don't mean literally inside. The emotions, the feelings, the thoughts, the ideas. And with buildings, nature, objects, it's about what their story is. The process of making it. Their lives.

Sitting on that bank, I just watched my friends, the water, the sky, and I appreciated every single second of it. It's so liberating just watching. You don't have to think, you don't have to talk. I could spend my whole life just watching and seeing.

Anyway, on to more boring things. I have finals next week. This weekend I get to go see my best friend in Galveston. We're gonna spend the weekend on the beach, tanning and talking. I'm so excited for the rest weekend before all my finals kill me. I'm so not looking forward to this next week. I already know I've failed two classes and I feel like shit about myself because of them. I could have done so much better, tried harder in those classes, and I would've succeeded. Jon is suggesting I do online classes during the summer to retake them. I just might.

The best thing about school ending in a week is that I'll be home. I miss my mom and my family so much. And then after a week and a half, I'll be moving to San Marcos to live with Jon. I'm really excited to see what this summer will bring for us. It'll be our first time really living like adults. I'll also be looking for jobs. I've never had a PAYING job, only volunteer work and working construction for my dad. But that stuff doesn't have a place on an application, so employers won't look at me twice.

Speaking of jobs, if any of you guys know of places that are hiring in San Marcos, Texas, please feel free to email me. I could really use the help, the experience, and I'll need one cause I have to start saving to get a new car and pay off loans when I graduate. You can find my email on the About Me page.

Stay fresh, stay cool,