Thursday, July 23, 2015

Snowcones and Writing Block

As it is summer (though very near the end), and I am a sensible person, snowcones are THE way to celebrate not being in school. Since summer began, I've had exactly one snowcone and it was earlier this week. It was also possibly the best snowcone I've ever had. There's this lot of food trucks in downtown, including one called Mambo Ice, where we got my snowcone. They're a little pricey and kinda surrounded by honey bees, but the product is top notch. I got a Blueberry Daiquiri (no alcohol of course), and it turned my mouth blue. The flavor was totally worth it.

Besides snowcones and being a few days late on the blog, we finally found a place. It's a little on the expensive side for him, but the space is nice and really close to campus. It's gonna be an adjustment, but I think it could really be worth it. Before we settled on that place, we were looking at a cheap efficiency with two rooms, a small kitchen, and small bathroom. Despite not being a lot of space, the place had charm. I think for a girl and her pet, it could be great. Honestly I kinda wish I coulda lived in the place by myself with my dog. I feel like I could have turned the place into a nice hovel for me and my baby.

My writing mood is horrible. Every day I want to write, but when I actually get up the enthusiasm to pull Word up, nothing comes out. Probably the same reason I can't get these posts out on time. Nothing flows through my head onto the page. I wish this writing block would just go away.
I miss writing and inventing characters and just... I don't know, I guess creating. It'd be nice to even just start writing on an old piece. I'd love to actually just finish something.

Guess my goal before end of summer is have another snowcone from Mambo Ice, and maybe just finish (or start) another story. But I guess we'll have to see...

That is all. Kaylee.

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