Monday, April 04, 2016

New Post

I'm supposed to have a post out today. I didn't realize I was so far behind. Last week's post was mostly just a way for me to get some feelings out. The last actual post was on the seventh of March and then I had two vacations.

For spring break I went to South Padre Island to visit my cousin. It was pretty fun. I spent time with my cousin, her boyfriend, and a little bit with her mom. We mostly just hung out, went to the beach, and tried to find some kind of party every night. We weren't always successful. I was just happy to spend time with her.

For Easter break I went to Jon's. We spent almost the entire weekend in the apartment. Thursday and Friday he worked, but on Saturday we went into Austin so we could go to IKEA and do some shopping. Sunday was a lazy day. We spent it with our butts on the couch. It was nice getting some time with him. 

April is going to be a lot of working. This week I work five days in a row. I haven't worked that consistently in a long time. I'm not looking forward to it. It's going to be hard and tiring. And the weekend after I'm switching shifts around with someone and I have auditions for my Beginning Acting class. But then the glorious weekend of the 22nd-24th. I'm working Thursday, but I'll be going home for the weekend cause I have a party. I was originally going to go see my best friend that weekend but my aunt was asking me to come, and my other aunt is possibly bringing me furniture. I'll also get to see Jon for a day. It'll be the one and only day I see him between March 27th and a week after school gets out. Almost two months. 

I really don't have much to say. This is just kind of a catch up from the last few weeks. I'd still like to do an analysis of Howl's Moving Castle, but I'm going to need some time for that. I just don't have it in me right now. Maybe in a couple weeks. 

That's all for now. 
Stay fresh ya dorks. 

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